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The Nations

Map of Satori

Map of Satori

Satori, a world where magic and technology intertwine, is home to five distinct nations, each contributing uniquely to the planet's vibrant tapestry. These nations—Supultra, Progenix, Antagon, Valoria, and Nyria—are defined by their natural resources, magical affinities, and cultural heritage.


Supultra, situated in the northwest, is renowned for its mastery of the arcane arts. The nation is rich in magical crystals, which power their spells and artefacts. Nestled in the northern mountains, Supultra also boasts abundant medicinal herbs and pristine water sources, essential for their complex rituals and healing practices. The Supultrans value knowledge and wisdom, believing that the path to true power lies in understanding the mysteries of the universe.


In the northeast lies Progenix, a nation that has seamlessly blended magic with technology. Its lands are rich in technomagical minerals and gemstones, critical for crafting advanced magical devices. The lush forests provide both resources and a serene environment for innovation. Progenix is a hub of technological and magical research, where inventors and mages collaborate to push the boundaries of what is possible. Their culture celebrates ingenuity and discovery, often hosting grand festivals to showcase new inventions.


At the heart of Satori is Antagon, a nation balancing magical and technological prowess. Known for its fertile lands and geothermal energy sources, Antagon is a center of agricultural and industrial strength. The Antagonians are pragmatic, using their resources to improve daily life and bolster their defenses. The educational institutions in Antagon emphasize practical magic and technological application, preparing citizens to contribute to their community's resilience and prosperity.


To the southwest, Valoria is a land steeped in druidic traditions and natural harmony. The Valorians are custodians of the magical flora and sacred woods, which they use to craft powerful talismans and potions. Their connection to nature is reflected in their settlements, which blend seamlessly into the forests and mountains. Valoria's culture revolves around the cycles of nature, with rituals and festivals that honor the balance of the natural world. The healing waters of Valoria are renowned for their regenerative properties, attracting visitors from across Satori.


In the southeast, Nyria is a land of exploration and experimentation. Rich in mystical sands and rare minerals, Nyria is a nation where new forms of magic are constantly being discovered. The abundant solar energy is harnessed both for technological advancements and potent solar spells. The Nyrians are known for their boldness and curiosity, often taking great risks in the pursuit of knowledge. Their society values innovation and resilience, fostering a culture of pioneers who are unafraid to venture into the unknown.